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Cat is afraid to poop

18 15:30:27

Our adult male cat has had sugary to correct a urinary blockage. He was fine after that but a few months later he started to pee outside his box.  He would poop in the box but not pee.  We started to take him to the box three times a day to keep him from peeing on the floor.  He started to jump out of the box after pooping in it like he was scared, and now he has stopped pooping in the box.  Things got worse, now he acts scared every time he has to poop.  He runs around the house whit a loud meow and we can't catch him to put him in the box.  He runs until he can't hold it any more and has to poop involuntarily. What can we do to help him  He always seems petrified.  Lois

After traumatic experiences, such as painful urination it is possible for cats to begin to associate the actions of eliminating as well as the litter box with being a negative experience.  

First, if he has not been examine recently I would suggest that he be taken to your veterinarian to make sure there is not a physical problem causing his behavior. There could perhaps be a urinary infection or malfunction, digestive problem or anal gland problem that is causing him discomfort at this time.

If he is found to be healthy, it is possible that he has developed an aversion to the litter box.  He remembers those times he was in pain there and does not wish to repeat them.  You can try to break the association with a new style of box, new placement, and/or new litter type.  If he uses this new box successfully reward him with praise and a treat.  Anything he likes can be used, the idea is to form a new positive association rather than the negative one he now has.

Best of luck to you and your little darling.