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throwing up and excessively drooling

18 15:30:05

I have a 12 wk old choc. lab. An hour ago she threw up on me. The throw up consisted of mostly water with like 2 pieces of dog food. Then she was soaking my bed with drool. About 30 minutes later she threw up two piles of food. I took her to the bathroom and she peed. I tried to get her to drink, and when she tries she shakes her head like it taste nasty(the same reaction she has with "bitter apple"). What is wrong with her and what do I need to do?

It would be hard for me to say why she is vomiting but anytime a 12 week old puppy starts to vomit we worry about parvo. I don't know her vaccination history but parvo is airborne and easily carried on clothes, tires all kinds of things.
If she ate too much food at one time that could make her vomit also.
You can try to give her about a teaspoon (small) of pepto bismol (the pink stuff) and see if that doesn't settle her stomach. If she starts having diarrhea too, you need to get her into the vets right away. If the vomiting doesn't stop- same thing- call the vets!