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Rabbit not eating after teeth being rasped

18 14:08:52

Hello, I have a 3 year old, giant English lop rabbit called Alfie.
My rabbit had issues eating and we took him to two different vets to get an opinion. They both said he needed his back teeth rasped so yesterday he had his op at 12pm yesterday.
At 3pm, we brought him back and he was very sleepy as expected. At 9pm,  he still had not eaten or drank anything so we took him to the emergency vets. They looked him over and gave him two injections to try to make him eat.
I was up all last night watching him and he didnt eat at all. This morning he has had half a grape however and drinking a lot but it's coming straight back out and he's weeing straight after he drinks.
    He seems okay in himself and is a bit brighter but it's now been 24 hours since the operation and he's still not eating that much. And he just still wants to sleep a bit.
I don't want to take him to the vet again as after being 4 times in just one week I don't want to stress him out any further.
Thank you in advance!

I'm sorry Sasha but I am not a rabbit expert at all. I would post this to the rabbit group or experts in here as they probably have experienced this as well.

For the most part it does take a few days for the anesthetic to clear so just keep water and food in front of him.

If he isn't eating by tomorrow afternoon I would contact the vet that did the rasping. They need to deal with this, not another vet that didn't do the procedure.

But for sure post this in the rabbit area.