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sebaceous cyst

18 15:17:15

Thanks for any help you might give me...
I have a 14 year old Beagle who has a sebaceous cyst on the top of his head. I know the usual procedure is to cut it out which would mean he would have to be anesthetized...which is something I would rather avoid.
Is there anything I can put on the cyst to dry it up. I have another dog that licks the cyst constantly and I am not able to keep any kind of bandage or anything on it to stop the licking. That just makes it worse. He has had others before and I've been able to dry them up, by keeping a bandage over it, but this one is proving to be a real to speak...
Anyway, do you think I could use something like Neo-Predef on it....or is there something else that might work.  His other cysts are still there...but all dried up and flat.
Oh, this one fills up with "stuff" and blood and I push on it and it squirts out....gross...
Okay, I hope there is something I can do besides him having surgery...I do not want to put him I am afraid he won't wake up...
Thanks's so nice you are willing to help out others like this...

Leslee -

Have you had the cyst diagnosed as a sebaceous cyst? Sebaceous are usually not a problem for the animal.  It is possible that this time the growth may not be a sebaceous cyst, which may explain why it will not dry up.  There are a few skin tumors that can impersonate sebaceous cysts such as mast cell tumors.  Check with your veterinarian to determine the next step.

Advanced age can be a reason not to sedate a dog.  However, if the animal is in relatively good health (no liver, kidney problems) a short surgery such as a growth removal will still have risks of complications, but they can be minimized.  

Good Luck -

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM