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My cats on Prozac

18 14:49:50

My cat has been on 5 mg Prozac once a day for the last three months. The vets office called me to bring her in for a CBC and Chem profile.
!. What could be some of the side effects as indicated by the blood tests?
2.Are they really necessary? If so, how often?

My problem is that my cat has to be anesthetized anytime she needs to be checked by the vet. She becomes ballistic.  I certainly don't want to deprive my pet from the best of care, but I also know that the visit to the vet will, once again, be costly.

Thank you.

Why is the cat on Prozac to begin with? Prozac has a few side effects but I can't find liver or kidney problems listed. Those would show up in blood work.
Here is more information about it.

Ask your vet before you take the cat in WHY you are taking her in. Ask if Amitriptyline  could work for her also. Ask what the blood work is for. It won't hurt to ask and while you are asking ask about the Amitriptyline and what kind of side effects the Prozac can cause that need to be monitored by blood work. It isn't a drug we ever used so I am not as familiar with it.