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dog eating nonedibles

18 15:49:05

I have a jap-chin/beagle mix and he supposedly has a soft pallet. Recently he has eaten fringes off of our rug and part of a sheet.  He is gagging alot and vomited the rug strings and pieces of the sheet in the last few days.  He is eating and drinking regularly and has also eaten leaves off of a fern.  He goes outside and does not eat the grass.  Any help would be great.

If the vomiting continues, he needs to get to the vet as the strings could cause an intestinal blockage.

What you need to do is keep tempting things away from him or spray with Bitter Apple to discourage eating them.

You can try to feed him a lot of fiber such as Bran or Kashi Cereal or canned pumpkin to help push out any remaining strings that may be in his intestinal tract.