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my pug bully

18 15:40:05

Hi, i have a 5 yr old dachshund and a 1 year old pug.  My pug has shown dominance over the doxie but they get into really bad fights for instance when i am going to bed  the pug will wait so the doxie doesnt come and they will go after each others throats. Also the pug wont let the doxie on the couch or anywhere near us.  She also does it around food.   Do you think if we got the pug fixed it may end?

Boy are you going to have fun.  Both of those breeds are 10 foot tall and bullet proof.  They are little tuffies.  Pugs are usually more laid back than dachshunds.  Neutering him should definately help, and as soon as possible before any more hormones build up.  Try to pay equal attention to both but not in front of the other one.  They are clearly jealous of each other.  Feed them in seperate rooms if possible to prevent fights.  Give them some time and see what happens.  I hope this eventually resolves.  If not, you might not be able to keep both of them.  Sorry I don't have better news.