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Carpal pad hair discoloration?

18 14:54:09

Hello Dr. Louis N. Gotthelf,
I have 2 black haired labradoodle pups about 6 months of age and I recently noticed that both of them have discolored hair that surrounds the 2 carpal pads on their front paws. My pups are both all black but the hair that surrounds the carpal pad is rust colored. The 2 pups do not lick or have any discomfort near or around there pads. They eat grain-free Orijen six-fish kibble for their meals and only MOO brand grain-free chews and treats. They do not receive any grain related dog food. I am unaware of what causes this, any information would be helpful. Please let me know if there is any other info that you need on my behalf.
Best regards and thank you,

There are many reasons for discolored hairs on the feet.  Licking is one of them.  Intstinal parasites, sun exposure, and puppy hairs that will fall out are others.  One thing you can do is to shave off this rusty colored hair and see if it grows back black.