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Cat carried roach sprayed with Raid Max

18 15:15:28

I had to spray a giant flying cockroach with Raid Max roach and ant killer.  Before I could find and retrive the insect, my cat got it and carried into the bathroom.  She hadn't eaten any of it.  The can does say to let it dry before pets are exposed to it and to remove birds and cover fish tanks before using.  The cat seems fine so far. This just now happened.  I can't afford the animal poison control fee.  Should I let her eat or drink?  Does she have to be rushed to the hospital?  Thanks so Much, Jeanne and Chloe the cat.

Jeanne -

If the cat has not eaten the roach, then of course you do not have anything to worry about. She would need to be seen by a vet if she ingested the roach;  the doctor would most likely give her fluids to dilute the pesticide in her body.  Call her vet to see if he/she wants your kitty to come in for an examination.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM