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swollen stomach

18 15:40:41

my lhasa has a swollen stomach and enlarged teats,
she may have worms, she is 5 yo and is about a month behind on her shots. She has also become somewhat irritable and has started biting at times. There have been numerous changes in her life. Anyhow, we don't know what to do with her. Also, she has never been pregnant but was in heat recently and had a male friend over.
Lhasas, I have read are mean and escalte when disciplined for aggressive behavior.  The biting has been going on for over a year. The swollen belly is new.



She may be pregnant, or may be experiencing an ''imaginary pregnancy'', in other words thinking, feeling and showing all signs of pregnancy without being actually pregnant. This may be the cause of the behavior changes and the reason for her being more aggressive now. I would advise an examination for pregnancy by a vet, and if it is an imaginary one, spaying may help and keep it from happening again. This may also ease her a little. Swollen belly may also be the sign for worms, but other things also like fluid build-up caused by numerous reasons. So I would strongly suggest a check-up by a vet.

Kind Regards,
Caglar Kondu Erkip