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Kitten pulling feces out of her litter box

18 14:11:54


I have a 5 month female kitten who is spayed and is constantly pawing her feces and urine out of her litter box. I have a 2 year old neutered male as well, and I have two litter boxes that I clean every other day. Please tell me why this is happening. Shes been in a destructive phase lately and when I come home from work my house is pretty messed up. I need help with how to deal with this odd behavior.

Her behavior isn't really odd at all. Five month old kittens do sometimes go on hurricane like rampages throughout the house. Some of them just have too much energy that isn't being dispelled with play.

She is probably just being over-zealous in the litter box as well. Some kittens do this but they settle down as they grow older and learn that they don't need to be quite so rambunctious about covering up their stool etc.

You probably just need to "kitten proof" your house until she is a bit older and more settled.
That means putting up plants, vases, etc. that she can knock over or get into.

Playing with her a lot when you come home might help some but it will only tire her out for so long. Hang some kitten toys on the cat scratch post or on door knobs, but only with short cords so she doesn't get tangled in them. There are dozens of cat toys that are safe on the market that are designed to keep a house cat occupied.

They will also entice your older cat to get more exercise as well, if he isn't playing with her now.