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my ferret

18 15:23:06

my ferret got out of my home  and was missing for 3 days.  it rained both nights.  a friend of my son happen to find her and put it with his ferret,now she has fleas,is sneezing and i am  concerned she has a cold or some other disease.  what can i do to treat the fleas?and possible. cold?i am a vet tech but only work on dogs and cats.  i have access to medications so what can i do to treat my ferret?thanks!

I don't treat ferrets either but your boss should be able to tell you what to use. We used Ovitrol for fleas on the ferrets we used to see. They can get anemic pretty fast if you don't kill them off quickly.

As far as her sneezing it sounds as if she has an upper respiratory infection and you treat a ferret like a cat when it comes to things such as that.

Ask you boss- you have a resource at your finger tips!