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Kitty Vomit

18 15:51:11

2 cats, both long haired. one eats others hair constantly... from floor, couch, even other cat. vomits almost daily as of late. we vacuum daily, yet he seeks out the hair. giving OTC hairball remedy prn x1mo, no luck. using premium cat food without the stomache irritating bowel obstructing ingredients >3mo. vomit is usually undigested kitty food mixed with hair. cat is otherwise healthy, at IBW and about 4 yoa neutered male. really love my little guy, what to do???? THX

Vomiting daily is not normal and not typical for hairballs.  I would recommend having some blood work checked to rule out any underlying organ problems.

You should brush both cats daily (mine like the Zoom Groom) and seriously consider having their hair clipped short into a lion cut.

I would recommend feeding more canned food and regulating meal portions (ie. feed 3 small meals a day).  A commercial hairball diet with extra fiber would be beneficial.  Also, you can add Olive Oil to the canned food and a bit of canned pumpkin if they will take it.  Over the counter hair ball remedies are petroleum based and I do not recommend them for daily use....I would suggest VETBASIS from which is more natural.