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Paw Pain

18 14:22:24

My 6 week old kitten was spayed 3 days ago. They placed an intravenous catheter somewhere in her leg or paw. Her lower leg is shaved. She is now constantly licking her paw, not her leg. I have tried to look at it but she does not want me to touch it. Is this just soreness from an IV or is this something more serious? She is an indoor only cat and is not limping & does not seem to be in any other pain.

It is important to get her comfortable with being handled - work on her other feet, ears, mouth, tail, belly, etc. Learning Reiki (see my earlier posts for more complete info as I am not at my regular computer) can help with this process, as can REscue Remedy (a Bach flower combination available at most health food stores for people and animals). Put 4 drops of RR into a one ounce dropper bottle and put a few drops in her meals (do not ever feed her dry food), rub a drop in the hairless area of the belly. This may help. After giving the RR, she may be more likely to let you look at the foot.

Put something that tastes bad on her foot (hot sauce, a little baking soda). Distract her with play.

The cause could be unrelated to the IV (something stuck on or in her foot, a habit), or it could be from a nerve sensation triggered from the IV.

Please read my prior posts (my computer died, so I do not have access to all the great basic health care info I put in every post. I also suggest working with an integrative veterinarian who can offer many forms of healing.  HOlistic methods have let one cat live to 34 years of age - a great goal!!!
To find one to help with your kitties foot itchiness: and for acupuncture for homeopathy (some can help you by phone) for general holistic practitioners

The best way to prevent health problems in the future is to feed a raw meaty bone diet, give no vaccines except for legally required Rabies and do your own check ups for Early Warning Signs (see my site or prior answers).