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My female black lab~ ROXY

18 15:22:04

I noticed today that my puppy 6 1/2 months old has been sluggish, we noticed her walking unbalanced and then she vomited yellow liquid.  She has been drinking and eating some.  I just noticed her ears were warm and her nose is warm and dry also. what is wrong?

First of all, since you don't mention if she is vaccinated at all my first response it to think of parvo virus and that she needs to be seen right away.
Vomiting and an unsteady gait means she is most likely dehydrated and she needs supportive fluids right away.

She may or may not have diarrhea and she may just have an intestinal bug or have eaten something that has upset her digestive system.
But warm ears generally indicate a fever so you really need to call the vet's and get her seen soon. Like tomorrow!
Puppies go down hill fast if they are not treated quickly.