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Severe scratching around my cat`s ears.

18 14:49:01

My cat is a 3year old longhaired calico cat.Has been wormed %26 treated for fleas regularly.Very healthy,good appetite,spends equal amounts of times indoors %26 out.She scratches around her ears constantly %26 there are now cuts all around her ears.She doesnt mind me touching them %26 enjoys it immensely if I use a fine comb around them.I treated her for ear mites in the last 6 months.I feel it must be very uncomfortable %26 please could you recommend what I should do.
Many thanks

Has this cat been checked at the vets for ear mites or are you treating with an over the counter medication? It sounds to me as if either that hasn't put a dent in the mites because it is old or too weak, or she doesn't have ear mites but has a bacillus or a yeast infection. You should have been able to kill these off in way less time than 6 months.

All of these are common in dogs but not as common in cats except the ear mites. A vet needs to look at some of the discharge in her ears under a microscope to determine what she has. In our experience, mites are the main thing that will make them dig and rip the outside of their ears apart.

Ivermectin drops works much better and quicker than pet store ear mites so called medications.

By the way if you use an ampersand it creates a %26 in here as that is HTML and this box won't read it.

Get her to the vet and stop wasting your money on medications that don't work.