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dogs noisy stomach

18 16:12:30

periodically, and with increasing frequancy, our 10 year old english setter (llewelan breed) has what i assume is gas. her stomach makes so much noise you can hear it across the room. she doesn't appear to be in pain, though she did reject her cookie this morning. oddly, she doesn't seem to be passing gas. i wish i could decribe the noise. it's almost like the sound one can make by slowly letting the air out of a balloon. not quite that harsh though. it's sunday, so our vets office is closed. by tomorrow, the problem will probably have "passed." if you have any thoughts, i'd be most grateful to hear from you.

Hi Theresa,
   It does sound like she has some gas in her abdomin. Dogs can become bloated just like us. I don't think there is too much you can do for this at home. I would probably fast her tonight and maybe even in the morning/lunch. See if this helps her. I know how u usually don't want to eat when you have gas or are bloated. Just got your message and it is (10:20pm) sunday where I am. Take care and good luck to you and your doggie.