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onset of sudden paralysis on my beloved dog

18 16:07:34

Yesterday, I noticed that my beautiful dog was having trouble walking & standing. Early today I took her to my local vet, but he doesn't have a clue on what could have caused my very healthy dog to all of a sudden be bed ridden. She's very alert, eating good & tries to get up, but the back part of her body doesn't seem to be responding. He put her on antibiotics & pain killers. She's a house dog, so I don't have a clue what could've caused her to become ill. She's a chow mix, about 9 yrs old, but doesn't act her age, she's very energetic & never gets sick, til now. The vet checked to see if she was hurting anywhere, but found nothing. I did notice that she had a slight fever yesterday. Please, write me any suggestions. My dog means the world to me! Some years ago, I almost lost my life in a car accident & she's been here with me through illness, I was staying paralyzed, lost my eyesight, hearing, etc. for a while & she pulled me through. I'm healthy as can be now, thanks to God & my dog: Onyx! It's my turn now & I'm trying to do for her, but I'm clueless as to how to help her, since she can't talk & I don't know what's going on with her. Please, help! Thank you, in advance! God Bless!

I am sorry to hear of Onyx's recent condition. Unfortunately, when our pet's age, much like us, their bodies can come to give out long before the, rest of them does. There can be many different explanations as to why she is experiencing this onset of sudden paralysis, including the condition of severe arthritis, to Lyme disease. The best way to determine a proper diagnosis; is to have your veterinarian perform a series of blood tests as well as possibly a series of radiographs, if he did not already. If you feel the need, you have every right to seek a second opinion, and/or request a referral to a veterinarian neurology specialist. Nine years of age is considered geriatric for most dogs, however this does not mean she is expected to suffer the affects of old age in this manner. Many dogs especially mixed breeds, can live to fifteen years plus. Keep in mind that Mother Nature can be cruel, and you do need to be prepared for the possibility of her having suffered a more serious condition such as a stroke or spinal injury.
I wish I was able to offer you an exact diagnosis, as well as a simple means of treating her, but I can not. I will say that much like how she has been there for you in your time of need to offer you undying support, it would be the very best thing you could do to return the favor. It has been proven that pets with owners who display high levels of love, and support come to heal and/or recover faster. Certainly, she knows you hold her and her best interests in your heart, and she will be able to provide you with many more years of devotion and companionship; despite her current condition. Be aware that of the fact that she continues to display an interest in her food, and has the high levels of energy you have mentioned, are very encouraging signs. From the sound of things you are a very caring owner, and have provided her with the best of care. Keep you faith, and know that we are never given more than we can handle. I feel this applies for our pets as well.
Please feel free to get back to me with any additional questions or concerns as well as a diagnosis. Also, if you just need someone to talk to I would be happy to help out. I wish you both the best.