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hypo-allergenic dogs

18 14:22:35

is a Chihuahua Pomeranian mix hypo-allergenic

Hi Jenna,
Apparently I didn't understand what your question is and for that I apologize. If you'd like to ask it in a different way, then maybe I can answer it for you to your satisfaction. From what you asked me, I read it as "are Chihuahua-Pomeranian mix dogs hypoallergenic, meaning, that people are less likely to be allergic to them." If that is not what you asked, please re-submit the question worded more specifically.

Thank you!



There is no such thing as a "hypo-allergenic" dog. People are either allergic to dog hair or they are not. Poodles have been widely claimed as being this way but they are not. Their fur is a bit different than most dogs and they shed less, so they seem to cause less allergies.