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blood in puppies stool

18 15:11:14

i have a 5 week old boxer who i just noticed has some blood in her stool. she tried to go and all that came out was a small amount of mucus and some blood. what could this be from? do you think it could just be worms or something worse?

Worms, bad diet, sudden changes in diet, feeding table food, all of these can cause this.

Get her wormed, started on heartworm prevention and keep her on one kind of puppy food. Do not give her treats or any table scraps.
The blood is from her colon or rectum being irritated. It should pass once she starts having a consistent diet.

We recommend Science Diet Puppy Growth Large Breed since she will be over 50 lbs full grown.

That way she will get the proper amount of nutrients for her age and future size. This food is the best on the market. Nutrient dense and specially formulated for puppies with extra DHA for brain function and growth.

Check out the food here and see why it's the number one puppy food fed by vets.

Once you switch her over slowly on a seven day scale you should not be seeing any more blood in her stool- that is after she is wormed regularly also! If she still has major problems with her stool with either blood or mucous you need to have your vet evaluate her for food mal-absorption problems.
Let me know if this helps and how she does.