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my teacup chihuahua is lethargic today

18 15:15:17

She's weighs 2 1/2 lbs and normally sleeps w/me curled up in ball and very
soundly.  Last night I noticed she was very restless and wandering around the
bed.  I finally go up and she went pee for a long time so that's probably why.  
But then, when I got up the second time I'm not sure what happened.  She
was right next to me and when I turned towards her she jumped and cried
out loud.  I didn't think I hurt her with my body turning but maybe I did.

Since this morning she's not herself.  She's not interested in eating, going
out, nor moving off the couch.  When I hold her she just sits there staring
and hardly moving.  She can walk, I forced her out to test her. She got up
briefly once today and seemed okay walking.  

What do you think it could be?

Lauri - I am not sure - I wonder if she has a urinary infection starting up?  Could be something viral?  You may want to take her in for a check up.. Also, you have to get some food or fluids into her so her blood sugar doesn't drop.
Call the vet....

Good Luck