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cats- illness

18 15:56:18

Dear Hilary,
My question to you is that my cat is ill and is already under veterinarian care for 2nd day and I'm told that he has an anlarged kidney.  He doesnt eat nor drink for past 2 days.  Right now my cat is getting antibiotic and nutrients but I was clearly told that the treatment may not help him b/c may cat may have a kidney failure. I was told I have an option to wait for two days and see what will happen.  My cat also had xrays done and no stones in his track were present on the picture.  The chemical test showed that chemicals are high.  I'm seeking a second opinion based on the facts above and maybe an opinion what could be wrong with him.  Thank you in advance.  

Hi Kathy!  How old is your cat?  Kidney disease is so very common in cats.  I have lost 3 kitties from kidney disease in the past few years, all were very elderly cats.  
If the creatinine levels are high and the BUN ratio is abnormal, then this would indicate kidney disease.  
The route of treatment would be to keep the cat on IV fluids for 72 hours straight.  Then repeat the bloodword to see if the creatinine level has gone down.  If it has, that's very good, and kidney disease can be maintained by a special prescription diet and subcutaneous fluids (fluids given directly under the skin) which can be given monthly to every single day if needed, and you can learn how to give the fluids yourself, as it's very simple!
When a cat doesn't feel well, they won't eat/drink.  Antibiotics will only add more stress on the kidneys, and I've never heard of antibiotics being used to treat kidney disease, unless, of course, there is an infection.  If there is an infection, this could cause the kidney values to be abnormal and if would also cause the kidneys to enlarge.  Talk to your veterinarian to see if your cat's white blood cell count is high.  If so, this would definately indicate a possible kidney infection, rather than kidney disease.
Kidney disease is not always an immediate death sentence.  I had adopted an older cat a few years back who was very ill from kidney disease.  I treated her with IV fluids for three days, and then I gave her subcutaneous fluids every other week.  Her sensitive stomach could not handle the prescription food, but just on fluids alone, she lived a very happy 6 years with me, and had kidney disease the entire time.
Is the cat urinating?  It is possible that he may have a urinary tract blockage if he is not urinating, or has blood in his urine.  An x-ray will not always show that.
If your cat is not getting IV fluids, I hate to say this, but either demand it, or take him elsewhere, as IV fluids are the only way that those kidneys are going to be flushed out and improvement can occur.
Please keep me posted.  I will be thinking of you and your cat and sending all the best wishes in the world to you.
Hang in there,