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Elderly cat query

18 15:44:11

I have an 18 year old cat whose claws desperately need cutting as she keeps catching them everywhere in the house. I haven't had this problem with her before and am wondering why it's a problem now, teeth problems perhaps?. I am trying (in vain!) to cut them myself with some cat claw scissors but she is very fiesty and won't let me near them.

I'm considering taking her to the vet to have them done but am concerned about this as she attacks anyone she doesn't know who attempts to handle her. She's known at the vets for this and I know she won't keep still while conscious. Much as I hate to do it, I was wondering if she could be given a small dose of anaesthetic so that the vet can do her claws and check her over in general. Given her age, would she be able to cope with the anaesthetic?
Would this have to be done on a regular basis?
Or should I persevere with the claw scissors myself?

Any advice would be appreciated.


Most likely she is not shedding her nails as quickly and is not as active, therefore, in need of a trim.  Most likely she will continue to need her nails trimmed every 1 to 2 months.  You could call local groomers or pet shop and see if they would trim her nails, or ask a friend to come over and trim them while you hold her (or vice versa)--wrap her in a towel too.  Certainly at her age, a sedative is not best because she could have some underlying conditions.  You could try giving her Rescue Remedy (several drops in her mouth) to see if that helps ease her anxiety.  If she has not has a physical examination in a year, then I would recommend that you just take her to the vet to get a check up and have the nails done.  And based on how she is doing, the vet can decided if an oral sedative would be okay for her.

Good luck!