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Blood in Cat Stool

18 14:33:03

Hi, I have a three year old Ragdoll cat who recently started have blood in his stool. He's been on a steady diet, and it's not runny or anything, and I was wondering if it was something that I should be extremely concerned about.

Frank blood in the stool is usually caused by dietary changes or even changes in the ingredients of the food itself.

If your cat is on a cheaper brand of food, or a grocery store brand, or a brand that doesn't used fixed-formulation, then it can cause this irritation that leads to bleeding from the large intestine or colon.

If it is intermittent or daily, you need to switch him to a high quality food such as Science Diet. Until I started feeding this myself to my cats over 25 yrs ago they all had this kind of bloody, sticky stool.

Once they got on Science Diet I have never seen it since. Science Diet is one of the last food companies to stick with a fixed-formulation so that their food is consistent from batch to batch, bag to bag. This prevents these kind of digestive upsets.

So rethink what you are feeding him and make a plan to switch to something better.
Always take 7 days to switch your pet to a new food.