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my cat Squeaky

18 14:05:44

My cat has been lethargic and not eating or drinking since yesterday morning.  She is 1 /2 years old.  The only shot she has gotten is rabies shot.  She is not laying in her usual spot either.  She is laying in the spare bedroom like she wants to be left be.  I keep checking on her but don't know what to do for her.  Maybe she was bitten by an insect?  She doesn't seem to be hurting but all she's doing is laying water.  And none of that is like her.  Thank you

It's very likely that she has picked up a virus since she hasn't had any vaccinations. These are airborne so she doesn't even need to be outside to get sick.

You cannot wait too long with a cat that won't eat or drink, or they can get deathly ill very fast. Young cats have even less of a reserve.

Please get her into your vet and have her looked over. Make sure she is tested for leukemia and vaccinated once she is better. She will need at least two sets of vaccinations once she is well, but she won't get well unless you get her in to see a vet- like tomorrow.

Don't wait!