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18 14:31:57

my whippet crashed into some ironwork and cut all of her skin off her side.  the vet stitched this up, however some of the skin has died on her stifle and has left a huge gaping wound approx 4 inches wide and high.  vet cant restitch or give a skin graft as whippet skin is very tight. plse help extremely worried. vet suggested honey treatment and leave for nature to heal

I am not sure what it is I can do for you Lisa. Your vet knows best. I would go with his recommendation and let nature do the work. All you can do it make sure it doesn't get infected. Keep an eye on it and clean it if he tells you too. Smell it every night. You will know if it's infected by the smell.

If it gets nasty looking, discharging yellow or green pus then it's time for the antibiotics.