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Moustache parakeet plucking. Please help!

18 15:30:19

I adopted a moustache parakeet about two moths ago. The previous owner brought it in to "Petsmart" and abandoned the the bird, so I took him and gave him a second chance. he is about 2 years old, very sweet and playful. He gets a lot off attention and he seems to be happy about it. I couldn't have asked for a better bird. However there is one BIG problem. He wont stop plucking himself and I'm loosing hope. I don't know what to do. I bought him a lot of toys so he'll have have something to do when I'm not home. I give him baths, feed him a balanced diet consisting of bird food with includes pellets and seeds. I give him plenty of veggies and fruits, some nuts. And he still wont stop plucking. His chest, neck and parts of his back are starting to develop bold spots. I don't know what to do. I need advice. Please help us.

While some parakeets will feather pick from boredom and toys may help, others do so out of loneliness. If he is of that lonely personality a suitable companion may help somewhat.  Unfortunately feather picking is a very difficult cycle to break.  Once they have picked up the bad habit it is a very stubborn one.

An avian vet in your area should be able to prescribe some vitamins and supplements to aide in feather growth.  Even making him "work" for his seed is recommended in order to keep his mind focused on something other than the self-mutilation.

Best of luck to you with combating this habit.