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chronic constipation in cat--getting worse

18 15:46:24

Since approx. Oct. 2004, my cat "Mochie" has suffered extreme bouts of constipation with straining at the litter box, sometimes a straining crouched position out of the box & sometimes accompanied by a "grrr" with no resulting poop.  I've taken her to the vet several times & she was sedated & given an enema but my finances are very strained & want to know if there is anything I can do - aside from give her Laxatone/Petromalt type things which don't seem to be helping.  Lately she also is not urinating on a daily basis & seems to have lost weight(she has med/long hair so it's hard to tell how much).  Vet's in the Los Angeles area are expensive & the Humane Society hasn't helped.  What to do???  I Love my kitty...Help!

She is most likely sufferring from mega-colon or has some type of intestinal cancer.   Try feeding a high fiber food or an all-natural diet.  Add digestive enzymes (Dancing Paws Shake N Zyme) and probiotics (plain yogurt) to her diet as well as a lot of Olive Oil.  Usually in these cases we use Cisapride to help stimulate colon function.