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11 yr old Springer Spaniel Female panting at nite

18 15:18:40

For the past few months I've noticed my Springer panting mostly at nite when she comes upstairs.  I give her plenty of water, the AC is set cooler etc.  She currently has a UTI and is on Baytril for the next 4 weeks, we are in week 2 currently.  Her bloodwork came back ok w/thyroids etc.  Is there anything else I could get checked or do ?  She just started doing this about 3-4 months ago and I know that usually dogs pant when they are in distress.  She is on Hills g/d diet for about 1 week and likes it ok, weight is 58 lbs.

Moni -

Most eleven year old dogs have some kind of arthritic condition.  Ask your veterinarian to take radiographs to determine if she is suffering from arthritis pain. Pain can surely cause panting.  The fact that she pants when she comes upstairs may indicate that she is experiencing some sort of discomfort.   

Also have her heart checked.  She may have valvular dysfunction at this point in her life which may have caused her to develop.  again, your vet can help with that diagnosis.

Good Luck -

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM