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18 15:16:54

My gerbil is losing alot of weight and is not eating unless I hold the food in front her face. She always has red goo in her eyes, and she's constantly rubbing her nose. What should I give her before its too late?


There is nothing you can give your gerbil to help without knowing what is causing the weight loss and lack of appetite.  

The purpose of veterinary medicine is to diagnose and treat illness.  It's difficult for even experienced veterinarians to do that, much less people at home who have not had the education or experience.  

I would recommend that you take her to a veterinarian that sees exotic animals to help her get better.  Unfortunately, in small hamster's and gerbils, sometimes, there is little we can do for therapy because a lot of the time the disease is terminal and not treatable.   BUT you never know until you try.

Good Luck to you both.