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Chihuahua/no hair & yeast ear infection

18 14:44:45


Approx. 1 year ago I rescued a female Chihuahua--she had NO hair and her little ears were FILLED with a thick black stinking substance.  I immediately took her to my vet--got skin scrapes, ears checked, etc.  Sweetbug weighs 2 1/2 lbs. and I have tried so hard to get her healthy--she is growing hair and has a very fine coat all over her body, but it has been such a slow process and she continues to have ear infections (yeast).  What skin disease might be the cause of this?  I live in MO--I wish I could bring her to you!!  Attached is a pic of when I first got her--she is much healthier now, but I would think her hair should be much thicker by now and that with medication, the ear infections would be gone.  I feed her a limited ingredient dry food and Yummie Chummies as snacks because they are pure Salmon (for Omega3).  Please advise!  

About 80% of dogs with yeast infections have atopic dermatitis.  THat is allergy to environmental allergens.  Frequent bathing, allergy testing and allergy shots will help.  Low dose steroids will help relieve the itching.  For the yeast, I recommend a new product called Malacetic Ultra.  It comes as an ear drop, a shampoo, and a spray on. See it at