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Ear mites in large dog

18 15:55:08

My 107 lb. neutered male shepard/collie cross keeps getting ear mites in one of his ears.  I had his ears checked at our old vet's and was given "otomax" ointment.  This seems to clear up the problem but it's so hard to put in our dogs ears.  We have since moved to a small town and have had a couple of bad experiences at the local vets.  The first time our dog met the very tall male vet, he came in the room and just stared down our dog.  He said it was to see if the dog was going to be a problem.  He didn't try to make any friendly gestures to our dog.  K.C. sat against my leg and finally growled then barked. In the end our dog had to be sedated to be given his shots, then the next time he had a stick wedged in his mouth, even with sedation they couldn't handle him so they put a cord on his top jaw and one on the botton and held his mouth open and took out the stick.  I'm trying to explain why I just don't take our dog to the vet for his ear mites.  K.C. does not like anything put in his ears and I have worked long and hard to have him let me clean his ear out and put my finger in his ear with ointment on it.  (Not the best, I know but I'm afraid if I go to the vet and K.C. gets his ears touched then I'll have to start at square one again).  Is there anything on the market (in Canada)in the form of an injection or a cream that would kill the ear mites.  Thank you.

It is very unusual for older dogs to have ear mites.  Otomax does not kill ear mites.  If your dog does have them, there is an injection called Ivermectin that will kill them.  If your dog actually has an ear infection, which requires a vet visit for a diagnosis, I'm afraid that there is nothing except topical ear cleaners and medication that will help.  To help with the anxiety of a vet visit, ask the vet for some tranquilizers that you can give 1-2 hours before your appointment.  That usually smooths out the visit because he will be less likely to become fearful.