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Mice and bleeding ears

18 15:01:13

I had gotten my first fancy mouse about last spring, since then she has been thriving. However, as i went to check on her. I noticed she had been scratching excessively at her ear. In turn, causing it to bleed more than it had in the first place. I didnt know why it was bleeding to begin with. And it almost looks as if it has a hole in it. My dad was watching her one night and noticed she tried sticking her head through the bars of the cage, and got stuck. Once again, as i went to check up on her, i noticed her other ear was bleeding, and was just as badly torn up as the first. Could her trying to escape be the problem? Or is it some kind of parisite, and what should i do about it?

Some roughness on the cage bars could cause the problem. There could be medical conditions that could cause it as well.  

The very best thing you could do is to call Dr. Yearout in WA state adn do a phone consultation with him. He specializes in the little animals and is homeopathic and holistic. 425-334-8171

Good luck,
Dr. Chambreau