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dogs behavior at the vet

18 16:08:31

My dog is normally calm and lazy but when we take him to the vet, he freaks. He squirms and wriggles around so much that the vet has to bring more people in to help him, and my dog is only 11 lbs! I want to take my dog to the vet soon but i'm worried that the doctor won't be able to examine him properly and thorougly because of his behavior. Is there anything I can do to make sure he is calm at the vet's?

Hi again Jessica,

Unfortunately, there is probably nothing you can do by now. What can be helpful is make regular fun visits to the vets. this means just drop  by with the dog and have the techs and receptionist give treats and attention. this can tell the dog that each time he goes, its not that bad.

it also makes a big difference to the dog on what kind of vibe he gets from the vet. you may want to look into MILD sedation for him so that he is not so stressed.
