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cat throwing up, but no other symptoms

18 15:50:19

I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old cat. The 5 year old has been
throwing up a clear to yellow liquid, with some hair, but not a
lot. This has been happening once or twice a day for a week or
so.  She was under quite a bit of stress as we had to move, and
she stayed with friends, who she has stayed with before.  She
has been back home for a week and a half or so, and seems to
be eating ok, and doesn't show any other signs of illness.  She
does get people food now and again, but as she is not vomiting
any of that or her food either, we are unsure what could be causing it.  
Also, she likes to lick fabric, particularly my and my fiance's shirts that
generally have cologne sprayed on them.  Basically, I just want
your thoughts, and whether you think it might be serious and if i
should take her to the vet. Thanks!

Hi Megan!  I would recommend a vet visit, as any time an animal is vomiting this long, this often, dehydration becomes a concern.
Vomiting like this can be a cause of an intestinal obstruction, a toxicity, something stuck in the back of her throat, ect.
The only way to truly find out what the problem is and how to treat it would be to get her to your veterinarian for some diagnostic procedures (x-ray and bloodwork.)
I wish I could be of more help.  Please let me know how she does!