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Upper respiratory problem

18 15:44:06

I have an elderly manx cat, who I have had to the vet for several ailments because of his age. He now has upper respiratory problems (sneezing, wheezing,etc.) I have him on amoxicillin and hydroyxine, but is there a better antihistamine I can try him on? Does not seem to dry him up.
Thanks,  Lisa

He probably needs a stronger antibiotic as well.  I would recommend Baytril or Zenequin since URIs in older cats are usually complicated.

You can try Chlorphinaramine 2 mg every 12 hours as an antihistamine.  Make sure it does not have any decongestant or tylenol in it ... that is toxic to cats.

I would also recommend L-Lysine at a dose of 500 mg twice a day and Vitamin C at a dose of 100 mg twice a day.

If he has chronic problems, then you should consider boosting his immune system with Transfer Factor

Good Luck!