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what all a Veterinary Techinican has to do. What does it consist of?

18 15:53:38

I am thinking about becoming a Veterinary Techinican but I would like to know what all it consists of and how long you have to go to college. Could you please give me some information on what you do and what it is like?


Hi Krystal!  To become a veterinary technician, you must go through a tech program that usually lasts approximately 2 years.  You then graduate with a certification.
Being a veterinary technician is a very difficult but fulfilling job.  A technician is the veterinarian's hands and eyes.  Technicians do all small procedures like lab work, ear smears, fecal testing, urinalysis, blood drawing and testing, x-rays, dental surgeries,expressing anal glands, nail trims, placing IV catheters, placing urinary catheters,maintaining IV fluids, giving intramuscular, IV, or subcutaneous injections, and assisting in surgeries and other life saving procedures and treating hospitalized patients.  To be a technician you need to LOVE animals and respect the doctor you work for and all other employees as you all work together.  You also can't be squeamish at the sight of blood or innards as blood drawing and testing and surgery assisting are major parts of this field.
I absolutely love my job.  There is always more to learn and it's very interesting and scientific.  I enjoy looking forward to going to work each and every day.  I hope you find this field as enjoyable as I do!
Best of luck!