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18 14:04:44

I have a beautiful 5 month old puppy that has developed a skin rash. She is scratching a lot on her tummy , head and chest area. To the point she has  gotten these areas raw. It almost looks like a  heat rash or measles. It isn't fleas. That is the first thing I checked. She has also developed a caugh almost like she is gagging. She is well behaved but I am worried about the scratching  and Gagging. Some one suggested she may have something stuck in her throat and she may have an allergy.   any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks , Belinda

Rashes with intense itching on the chest may be suggestive of sarcoptic mange.  You should let a vet check her and do a skin acraping and treatment.  It could also be a Staph infection, which is common, but it really does not cause an itch like that. The coughing may be kennel couch or infectious tracheobronchitis.  Again, let the vet decide what this is.