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my cat

18 14:04:44

My cat Miley is 6. She is not afraid of people. Not even strangers. She is very curious and when the cable man comes over she runs to the window and watches him when he walks out the door. But she is very aloof and isnt too social.what is her reason for not going up to people? Could she get more sociable with age or should I just accept the fact that she will never be friendly?  When she stops wanting to constantly be outside 18 hours a day could she be more friendly?  Like I said she's not skittish. Have you ever experienced a cat getting friendlier with age? Like I said she is young and spastic and loves to be outside.

Hi there,
yes, cats can become more friendly with age. They have such different personalities, some absolutely love people, some are more standoffish. Just like people though, you can't change them unless they want to change!

Dr. Eloise Bright

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