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growth on dogs eyelid that rubs on eye

18 15:46:03

My golden retriever [almost 9 yrs old] has a skin growth on her upper left eyelid.  During the last trip to our regular vet a couple months ago, he said it could be removed if it bothers her.  It's gotten larger, about half the size of a pea, and while it doesn't seem to impede her vision, it does cause a lot of fluid/mucous build-up in that eye.  Our other dog has begun licking it occasionally, so we're wondering if it's time to bite the bullet and get her in to have it removed.  The growth does rub directly on her eyeball, though it doesn't seem to cause her pain or discomfort that we can tell; it's the mucous/buildup of goo that concerns us the most, plus the fact that our other dog notices it enough to lick at it.  Thanks so much for any insights!

Would you want something rubbing your eye?  That will eventually cause a thickening of the cornea.  Removal of small eyelid growths is fairly easy, but when they get larger, it is very difficult.  I have a laser and I can remove eyelid tumors of almost any size very simply.  If it is now large, you might want to find a vet in your area that does laser surgery and ask for a consultation.