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seems 2 b kennel cough?

18 15:01:11

im fostering my wheat terrier. She is young. She is coughing mostly in the early morning and late evening. White flem. Perscribed clavamot 3days ago and symptoms remain. And her energy has made a dramatic decrease. Help please?


Any respiratory infection can be distressing.  But as long as they get supportive care, and continue to eat and drink, they will normally get over it.  

Kennel cough is one cause of an upper respiratory infection.  Although, there are other causes.  

I recommend that if she is feeling OK and eating, just be patient.  If you feel that her appetite is down, her drinking is either increased or decreased, or she is lethargic, then I recommend having your vet recheck her.  Because that is usually a signal that more is going on that just an upper respiratory infection.

Good Luck to you both