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Proheart 6

18 15:54:31

My dog, an 8 year old, 50 lb border collie, just got her annual shots 3 weeks ago. For the first time she received the proheart 6 injection as recommended by the vet. I saw on the news yesterday that the FDA just recalled this med and so I went online to read about it and found many stories of healthy dogs that were killed shortly after having this injection. I am very concerned and had a few questions:
How long do you think it would take before she would start to show symptoms after the injection?
Is this med time released each month or more like a loading dose where the highest concentration would be at the initial injection?
Would it be at all beneficial to bring her in (to a different vet) to have her bloodwork/liver function tested?
Thanks for any information you can give me about this. I am very worried about her.

Hi Carla!  I can completely understand your concern.  I have been working in the veterinary field for many years and have worked with the very first of the Proheart 6 injections by Fort Dodge.  The veterinarian that I worked for at the time, immediately sent the vaccinations back to the company after the first 6 dogs injected came back shortly after with horrible side effects.  We never used it again.  It is a shame that the FDA took this long to take this horrible medication off the market.
The Proheart 6 injection is time released.  Each month, more of the medication is dispersed throughout the blood stream.  Dogs who have received this vaccination and have had a reaction, go through this reaction on a montly basis, for 6 months.  
Being that your dog did not have a reaction upon the vaccination...she may never have a reaction.  The dogs that have had a reaction that I have personally seen, have had a reaction within 30 minutes to 2 hours after the initial vaccination.
I hate to say this, but I really do think it would be beneficial to take her to a veterinarian to have some blood work done, just to be sure everything is as fine as it seems.  It's better to be safe than sorry, and this way, you will know whether or not you will need to be prepared for a possible reaction , or if she's in the clear.
The early symptoms of a reaction:
facial swelling
throat swelling
excessive panting
If you see any symptoms like the ones listed above, or any behaviors that are not normal of your dog, an immediate vet visit would be needed.
I hope this helps and please keep me posted!