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Dog in heat again after only 3 months

18 14:27:20

My dog Delilah was in heat 3 months ago, two months after that she started lactating so we thought she may be pregnant but we never felt any movement or anything, and this morning she seems to be in heat again. What could be the problem? Or should I take he to the vet to get her checked although I have no money.

Please take her to be spayed immediately, or at least to get her pre spay examination. They will tell you if you need to wait a few weeks before spaying. As you will see below, there are many options to get her spayed for little to no money.

You are not alone in being short of money right now. There are many ways you can find money to treat your cherished animals. Some veterinarians, especially integrative ones, will be willing to barter with you. What skills do you have? Can you clean their parking lot, sidewalk, clinic? Are you a bookkeeper or accountant? Are you great with the internet and able to help them build a web site? Could you get new clients for them? Call the veterinarian of your choice (especially an integrative one), ask to speak with the veterinarian and tell them your financial situation and that you would like to build up credit for future problems. Ask if they will take payment plans and think what you could offer as collateral. Ask if the clinic has its own fund to help those in need. Call multiple veterinarians, especially integrative clinics.  Purchase pet insurance. Also, many cities have humane societies and other groups that can help with medical bills, rabies vaccines, spay and neuters. You can also save significant money by following the following holistic approaches - do not vaccinate and find local sources of free food ingredients. This will take some time and research, then will be easy and inexpensive. I also have a list of more specific help you can get. Email me at for this.