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maltese please help!!!

18 15:22:19

I have a maltese puppy that is 5 months old and he jump out of my moms armes and fell on his haed and shoulder. he started screaming and wheezing and poop on my mom as she held him and then the crying finally stopped. then he started aking normal exept a place that you touch on his neck and his head will tilt and his left eye slowly closes. and then he just threw please help me and tell me what i need to do thanks!!!!

Your dog sounds like he has a concussion. I would take him to the vet's if you can and have him assessed for that.
Otherwise, you can keep him warm and take him in the morning. Look at his eyes and see if they are responding normally to light. Shine a flashlight in his eyes and see if they get smaller like they should. If they don't, then he is not doing well and need to see a vet asap!
Another test to do on him is to move the light back and forth in front of his eyes and see if he can 'track' the light normally. If his eyes are jerking back and forth as he looks, then he really needs to see the vet tonight.

Vomiting is a sign of head trauma and concussion in humans but he could be vomiting because he is stressed out.
Head trauma is nothing to put off if he has these signs because the vet can give him drugs to reduce the swelling in his head and help him survive this.
But you need to do those tests and see how he does.
Good luck and let me know how he does.