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Female Pomeranian Hair Loss

18 15:23:05

QUESTION: My Pomeranian has started loosing her hair and it has not started coming back yet she had a litter of puppies in December of 2007 and she looks ugly what can I do for her?

ANSWER: Diet is a huge part of this problem but it can also be hormonal. If she isn't spayed yet that would be the first thing to do and if that didn't help the problem then you might need to get her tested for Cushings or other syndromes.
Get her on a good diet like Science Diet Adult Advanced Formula and have the vet do some blood work on her for Cushings, thyroid, etc.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what if they have already done that and said she was in good health and they put her on vitamins to help with her hair loss?

I understand that they did blood work but did they keep her for the day and do a test for Cushing's disease? It is a very common disease and small dogs seem to get it a lot.
That or hormone tests. That would entail them sending off blood to check her hormone levels.
You didn't mention her age or whether or not she is now spayed, but that has a lot to do with it also.
As you have discovered, vitamins alone are not going to help the problem. You can try by changing her food to Science Diet Sensitive skin and see if that helps. It takes 30 days for the food to work. It has more essential fatty acids and other ingredients and nutrients for sensitive skin, so it could help the problem.
There are many causes of this condition and that is why the vet really needs to explore them. The hair loss is just a symptom of something else going on- such as too much cortisol in the body, or a low thyroid, or a lack of hormones or hormones that are not controlled because she isn't spayed.
So those are the reasons I mentioned blood work. To do a test for Cushings, they have to keep your dog all day as they have to pull blood at different hours after giving her a drug in her vein.

Does that seem more clear now? Let me know if I can explain it any more or if you have any other questions.
Please keep me posted on her progress.