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new puupy health

18 16:08:47

We have a new puppy, 7 weeks old, haven't taken for check up yet. Part lab and rat terrier. she has been fine until yesterday, started with diahria, nose and stomach feel warm. Listless, but eats o.k. Haven't changed her diet since we brought her home. Can worms cause this problem, haven't seen signs of them or could it be something else, should we be concerned?

Hi Barb,
  Yes, take her in for a check-up as soon as you can. It is very possible that she may be worms, most puppies do. They can get Round worms from their mothers milk. These intestinal worms can give them an upset stomach. Also just the  stressors of being in a new place and a new food could cause her to have some diarrhea. There is nothing you can do for her at home right now. Just make and appointment for a check-up. Take care and enjoy your new baby (smile).