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Poisoned four months old dog... Please help... =(

18 15:02:07

Please help me... My dog is four months old and is mixed Labrador retriever breed (well, just the typical Philippine dog actually). He hasn't eaten anything in three days and wouldn't eat anything; Except that he only drinks water and occasionally vomits. I believe he's poisoned by a rotten meat from a decaying body of a cat in the garbage. (I just can't accept that he ate some of those.. >.< ) He's weakening.

And my mom wouldn't let me take him to a veterinarian clinic...

So, I humbly ask what could be some alternative medicine to cure him... I don't want him to die. =( Please help me...

Your advice and help would be greatly appreciated.

Nadine, there is nothing I can tell you that will help this dog. He is in dire need of medical care. I don't understand why your mom would let this dog die but I also don't understand why you have a dead cat in your garage?

Your dog might have parvo, which is a virus since he has NOT been vaccinated I am guessing. It is very common and they vomit and have bloody diarrhea with it. It can be fatal but some dogs survive it.

He could have distemper also. Most dogs will vomit after eating something rotten and unless they eat a lot of it and have a ton of bacteria in them from the dead stuff they usually do okay.

You need to find a way to get him to the vets before it's too late. Find a way, borrow some money, work for the vet in exchange for the help. Where there is a will there is a way- so don't give up yet.

I am sorry there is nothing more that I can do.