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Boxer allergies

18 15:43:48

Hi, I have a 3 year old female Boxer. We had her tested for allergies because she was scratching her underarms to death and shaking her head and making the tips of her ears split and bleed. She is mostly allergic to wheat and soy and some outside plants. We had been giving her allergy shots but they did not help. She lived on Temerill P for about 2 years too. We wanted to stop the Temerill P so I have been making her food (chop meat and veggies) Lately she has been chewing her feet until they are raw and not drinking much water....I want to call the vet but I thought I would ask you first. We have spent TONS of money and we try EVERYTHING! Please advise! Thanks!  

You can try different protein source foods like deer meat, salmon, duck, or even kangaroo. There is another diet called Z/D that I like to use for 6-8 weeks to rule in or out food allergies. The blood tests that the vets do are useless as far as food allergies go.  

If the allergy shots haven't worked, that may be because you did not give them long ebough.  It takes a year sometimes for the allergy shots to desensitize the dog.

The "P" in temaril-P is prednisone. Some dogs need to have some low dose, intermittent prednisone or dexamethasone for the allergies. In many cases that is all that works.

Bathing twice weekly and wiping the feet off with a damp washcloth helps to remove the allergens on the skin.  Adding Omega3 fatty acids (Eicosaderm, Dermapet, Inc., to the diet may also help to make the skin less sensitive to allergens.