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18 14:41:45

About 4 weeks ago my pitbull pup had puppies by a mastiff on her first heat. she has this big lump that is very hard in her second from the front breast... i squeezed on it to see if milk would come out and there is some blood coming out. she doesn't like feeding them really anymore but they are also about five pounds a piece at 4 weeks old too. so i guess, it could be their teeth. what do U think i should do about the lump and should i start feeding the 3 puppies soft dog food?

Sounds like the lump could be mastitis which is an infection in her teat or near it. Most puppies start on soft food at 5 weeks, but larger breeds can be started at 4 weeks.

Make sure they get a large breed puppy food and do not use Purina Puppy chow as it is coated in milk and causes diarrhea. Dogs are lactose intolerant when they are weaned.

She needs to see the vet for this infection because they can get out of hand really fast and she will need some antibiotics. While she is there you can make her appointment to get her spayed so she won't go through this again.

Don't wait too long to get her in either because this infection can get nasty quickly.

Good luck with the puppies!