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why Phenobarb would be used for neuter?

18 14:27:28

Hi Jana,

I would like to know the reasons why a vet would use Phenobarbital as a sedative prior to neuter surgery for a dog who has no history of seizures or epilepsy? Do they not usually use other drugs?

Thanks again,

I couldn't really say Michelle. This is something you would need to ask you vet about. I have never, ever heard of this being used for a pre-anesthetic.

Some vets are old fashioned, some are very misinformed. If your vet is the latter I would look for a new vet with more up-to-date ideas.

Phenobarbital isn't a sedative at all anyway, it's an anti-convulsant.
Here is an article about it:

According to this article, a pretty high dose has to be used for sedative properties.

So if this were my dog, I would be asking as well. Ask the vet directly. You need a straight answer.